TOTALLY SIDETRACKED!! You came here to read about grilled cheese. The contradictory sensations of crisp and ooey-gooey. The tangy taste of pickles (yes, I know. Keep reading...) and cheese. Are you hungry yet?
So. According to my adoring public (the hubs and the kids) I'm pretty much the best grilled cheese sandwich maker around. I don't want to brag or anything, but... yeah. They calls it like they sees it.
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Yes, there's only one half. I ate the other. Can you blame me?! Look at that crispy cheese on the end! |
- The bread: Something with nubby stuff is best. Honey wheat berry is my preferred bread of choice. Just do it.
- The cheese: Tillamook medium cheddar and a little mozzarella. Trust me.
- The pickles: True hamburger dill chips - NOT kosher or sweet or bread & butter. Why do they even make those kinds anyway?! Don't argue - just do it.
Important: Just because there's a picture of a grilled cheese sandwich on the wrapper DOES NOT mean you should ever make a grilled cheese sandwich with that weird, semi-bitter, strange tasting pseudo-cheese. Don't do it. Ever!
So. I'm treating you to the perfect grilled cheese recipe. Happy Thanksgiving.
- Butter your bread.
- Lay down thin slices of Tillamook cheddar cheese on your base slice.
- Put this in your pan. It's easier to make the layers if you do it in the pan.
- Make three rows of three pickle chips across the whole bread face. That's nine pickle chips. One for every little bite. I guess if you're a wimp you can just do two rows of three. But, really. I have to draw the line somewhere. Just do it.
- Sprinkle some mozzarella on top of the pickles. This step is key, as it acts as a glue for the pickles and the bread. Plus, hello! Mozzarella?! Yum. Don't forget to "accidentally" sprinkle some mozzarella cheese onto your skillet for a little crispy/melty cheese snack as you wait.
- Put your top bread on.
- Put a lid over your sandwich so everything gets melty at the same time.
- Check and flip (Carefully... Carefully...! You don't want to lose any pickles!)
- This time do NOT put a lid over your sandwich or the top will get soggy.
Here is your "very-important-you're-missing-out-if-you-don't-do-this-step" step:
10. You HAVE to let your fresh-out-of-the-pan GCS rest on a baking rack for a minute or so. You have to. If you put it on a plate, I guarantee you the bread will turn soggy with condensation. Try to flip it if you want, that side will be soggy, too. It's just one of the rules of the universe, friend. Sorry. And, who wants to eat a soggy grilled cheese sandwich? Not me. Not you. Not anyone.
You're welcome.
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Mmm.. So ooey-gooey, yet crisp and crunchy! |