What is it with blogs, anyway? Ok, I need to come up with a different name for blog because it just doesn't sit well with me. I decided to do a little research and see where the heck "blog" came from. I learned two things:
1. The word blog is a portmanteau of web and log.
2. The word portmanteau is the combining of two words to make a new (often ridiculous sounding, in my opinion) word.
There you have it. Next time you debate the result of merging lunch and dinner/supper (into either linner, lupper or dunch, perhaps?) you, my friend, have experienced a portmanteau. For some reason I though portmanteau was some sort of 19th century travel equipment... Maybe that's trousseau... Oh, those French!
Anyway... Here is a startling fact. In February of 2011 there were over 156 million blogs worldwide. Are you kidding me? In two years I wonder how much it has grown. Well, it's however many million, plus one now! Maybe I should rename this blog to Plus One. Maybe not. Sounds like I'm always the extra at a fancy dinner. Wouldn't mind that... Especially today with just leftover stew for dinner. Actually, for dunch. I was too busy cleaning with my new steam cleaner (yea!) to eat earlier.
If you think the word blog is annoying (ok, maybe I'm the only one) it gets worse. There are vlogs - video blogs; blawgs -legal blogs; and if you write a book based on your blog it's called... wait for it... a blook. Seriously. I can't make this stuff up.
So. Where does that leave me? I have no idea. Instead of online diary (which has other connotations to be revealed at a later date) I guess I'll stick with blog. And I'll say it while rolling my eyes in a perky/crafting/cooking/photographing/cute ponytailed/perfect family sort of way. There is, of course, NOTHING wrong with any of those things -it's just not me! Although, ironically, I DO have a ponytail right now...
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