I love hot drinks. I love big, fun mugs.
Put them together? Bliss.
I love mugs. I love my kids.
I should love the mugs they make me. Should.
A: Hello, best teacher award!
B: Could that little drawing of her holding a heart BE any cuter?!?!
She was so excited to give this to me. I had to cover my eyes while she brought it out and everything. I love this mug.
The problem is... I don't really like drinking out of this mug. It's not my style. It's tippy. It's small. I can.not. get enough coffee into this tiny receptacle to bring joy to my day. I'd much rather choose one of my big mugs that I consider an old friend, something sturdy and colorful with enough room that it takes half of the coffee pot to fill it up. (Because who wants to fill up a mug multiple times an hour. That could indicate...like...a problem...or something...)
Monster Me sometimes asks if I'm going to choose her mug to drink out of when I'm making coffee. Uh.... suuuuuure. Sometimes I hide it on the top shelf. Out of sight, out of mind and all that jazz.
This makes me sound like a selfish mother. Choosing mug love over child love. I gotta be honest, some days are just like that. Some weeks are just like that.
This week has been rough for me and Monster Me. (By the way, her online nickname is Monster Me because she is the manifestation of the "monster" that lives in me and longs to get out - she just releases it all into the world. Haha!) We've been fighting and bickering and we don't like each other very much right now. That happens when you're confronted with yourself sometimes, and it's hard when yourself is in the form of a tiny strong-willed child.
I guess I'm the parent (ugh!) so it's my responsibility (double ugh!) to take control of the situation. I needed some warmth this afternoon so I decided to make some coffee and as I gazed into my mug cupboard I thought about a small way I could show her some love. I chose THE mug. She came home from school after a bad day (WHAT is in the air right now?!?!) and her face lit up when she saw the mug in my hand.
"You chose my mug!" (Read: you chose me.) That's right, kiddo.
This afternoon had 85% less tears. 50% less dramatic sighing (from me.) 90% less yelling (from both of us.) And 100% more smiles than yesterday.
I'm thinking of dubbing this the Miracle Mug.
Now this is all just a shallow example of an attempt at mending a relationship. Does it take more than a mug? Yes. Does my mug choice accurately reflect my love for my child? No. Do I have a mug problem...? Maybe.
But... if you are in need of some relationship mending, sometimes it's the little things that start the ball rolling.
This is so sweet, Amy!
ReplyDeleteI'm tearing up. Love it. So love it!
ReplyDeleteIf it makes you feel any better, when we were talking about our families and how parents and children relate to each other. A certain child very warmly shared how she was like you and her sister is more like her dad. I could tell there was a bit of pride in how she said it.